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Here are some of the events I've planned, organised and taken part in ! 

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As a Cadet Inspector in National Police Cadet Corps serving in Nan Chiau High School, I have participated in large and small scale parades such as being the Parade Commander for National Day Observance Ceremony 2019 at Anchorvale CC. Apart from guiding the cadets in planning weekly trainings and annual camps, I also organised camps and area events for them to learn from. These experiences have not only helped to hone my people and event management skills, but also gave me opportunities to learn more and improve my leaderships skills.

Being a Youth Leader of Suncress RC in Punggol has allowed me to participate in a wide range of community events, ranging from being the emcee for Edusave Awards Presentation Ceremony as well as being a helper for Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day and Mid-Autumn celebrations. Participating in such events not only trained me to be a more confident person, but also gave me an opportunity to give back to the society. They also allowed me to meet people from all walks of life and broadened my perspectives.

As the head of Human Resource for Nan Chiau High School's alumni group, I frequently took part and helped out in events. Examples include being involved in food preparation during the annual Night Study Sessions before O Levels and assisting with food sales during the annual Shines in Harmony charity carnival. Apart from allocating manpower and tabulating participation hours, I also helped the President and Vice President in organising and making the presentation slides for events such as handover ceremony.

As a Camp Instructor under Adventure Plus for the Nan Chiau High School's Secondary 3 Leadership Camp 2019, I was in-charge of a game station. Apart from briefing the students and ensuring their' safety, I also coordinated with other instructors to ensure smooth event flow. That job experience was an extremely eye-opening one as it showed me insights of how the industry works since the way that camp was organised was a stark difference from the ones I have organised thus far. The steep learning curve has also pushed me out of my comfort zone.

As the Head of Student Welfare in Student Council, I led my team in coming up with initiatives to improve the well-being of students in school as well as to bond the student body. Examples include COVE, a leisure room for students, a sandwich vending machine for students after school hours, Valentine's Day for students to show their appreciation for each other, as well as Project C.R.A.N.E, which the student body folded 1000 origami cranes to wish the Secondary 4 seniors the best of luck for the O Levels Examination.

As a member of the National Police Cadet Corps from

2015 - 2018, I was appointed as the Operation Specialist in 2017 and planned the PT session in weekly trainings. NPCC has given multiple opportunities to step up to lead and plan for events. Not only did I planned for the annual unit hike with my batch mates, I also planned for Area Games Day with NPCC members in other schools. Additionally, I also planned training camps and was a Instructor for a Secondary 3 Leadership Camp in 2017.

As 1 of the 20 members selected for the service learning trip to Cambodia in 2017, I was mainly in-charge of teaching arts and crafts to the children as well as planning for the school carnival on the last day of the trip. Apart from that, I also painted the school library and school toilet. Having to juggle with my other school commitments while planning for that one-week trip within a few months was one of the biggest obstacles faced. Nonetheless, it was a fruitful experience working with like-minded individuals and the main takeaway from that trip to always find joy in and appreciate the smallest things in life.

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